Make the Most of Bananas

This is a favorite for all primates! This big yellow berry can be eaten fresh off the bunch, cooked into breads, added to cereals, and covered by ice cream. Pop-culture has even glorified it in music videos. Gwen Stefani stated it best, “This day is bananas!”

How to choose the best one: Avoid bruised, soft skin, and browning.

  • Buy bananas based on how often you will use them. The darker green the banana, the longer it takes to ripen.
  • Overripe bananas have the strongest flavor and are best for use in desserts.
  • Each variety of banana has its own flavor profile. Keep that in mind when choosing your recipes.

Standard Shelf Life:  Bananas will last 5 – 7 days on the counter top. Ideally, keep them hanging and away from all other fruit.

Tip to Increase Shelf Life: Freeze bruised and soft bananas to use for bread or muffins.

Cooking Tip: Bananas add sweetness and enhance the texture of sweet potato and pumpkin purées without adding fat.

Cooking Tip: Try putting a banana in the fridge. It makes it turn brown quickly but doesn’t soften as it does at room temperature.

Storage Tip: Bruising speeds the ripening process. Bananas are packed tightly in cases during shipping to prevent bruising. Take care when handling your bananas. Storage Tip: Ideally, keep bananas hanging away from all other fruit.

Cool Fact: The banana is actually a berry– And that’s bananas. Green Banana flour can be used to make savory snacks and by-products like juice pulp.

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