A copy of the slides to use with the video on our webinar page.
Rebooting Hospitality, partnered with American Culinary Federation and Rocky Mountain Food Partners.
Enjoy our panel discussion and let it provoke questions that you can deliver to our continued conversations. During our current global state and as always, we are sharing the VALUE of Food Safety.
Control Point is the food safety firm guiding you through third party certification, regulated inspections, process expansions, tailored education, and food handler/manager (ANSI) certification.
We stem from foodservice, manufacturing, and military backgrounds focused on operational excellence and food safety.
Thank you to Rebecca Wiedemer – Golden Grove Global, Walt Hawley – Chef, Owner, Educator at Rocky Mountain Food Partners, Michael Briski – Chef Supervisor, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Tom McGuigan – TM Consulting – Food Manf.ufacturing and Efficiencies Expert, Michael DeGiovanni – Vice President of Culinary Operations of MorningStar Senior Living, CEC CCA, American Culinary Federation Colorado’s Chef’s Association.
We, the Hospitality Industries, need to maintain ownership and be the source of valid data before legislators are involved, through COVID-19. Uninformed lawmakers or inspectors can’t tell us how to run our operations from sights at other facilities. We are raising the boom with standards of excellence.
During our time together, we are the light and vessel during the voyage to the horizon you have individually or collectively for the industries. We use stories from our interactions, connections with professionals we work with, and review life-changing events.
Let Control Point be your active Food Safety Liaison while working with your teams in the trenches and setting a robust food safety culture tailored to your business.